Faqs: How Long Does It Take To Make A Website?
Date Added: 24/05/2017 @ 12:22pm
Like any design project, the time it takes to set up a website can vary considerably. The vast majority of web projects are completed within 2-3 months of contact, but this can depend on several factors.
The longest part of any project is the design phase, especially when a larger group of people is involved in the decision making process. Delays can occur when waiting for feedback from all committee or council members.
Speeding up the web design process
Here are a few ways you could help us to speed up the design process.
- Find websites you like the look of, or which have features you would like to have on your site and send us the links.
- If your organisation has a logo, letter heads or promotional material, forward them to us by email or post.
- If you have a board or leadership committee, you may find it useful to appoint a website representative who will have the final say on the design of the website.
- Sketches, mock ups, site maps and page lists are really useful when designing the website, so if you have them, send them to us.
- Set yourself deadlines for preparing content for the website.
- Agree a realistic deadline with us for the launch of the website.
Progress updates
We will always keep you up to date with the progress on your website and any delays on our end will be kept to a minimum.
We often have a short waiting list before we are able to start work on a new website project. If this is the case we will let you know an approximate start date and keep you informed throughout.